Faculty of Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics

The publications of the University of Bialystok mathematicians and computer scientists appear in renowned international journals and are highly ranked. The Faculty cooperates with numerous overseas scientific institutions, including Shinshu University in Nagano (Japan), Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow (Russia) and Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (Switzerland). The MIZAR system, developed at the Institute of Informatics, is currently considered the world’s largest repository of computer verified mathematical knowledge.


The conference Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics,organized cyclically in Bialowieza by the Faculty members, has gained the status of an important international scientific event in the field of mathematical physics.


The University of Bialystok mathematicians together with Czech scientists from Technical University in Prague successfully conduct the winter workshop Student Winter School on Mathematical Physics in Horni Polubny, Czech Republic. The Faculty students may take part in the activities of the Scientific Group of Mathematics Students and the Scientific Group of Informatics Students.


The Institute of Informatics organizes the Regional Informatics Competition for secondary school students. Its aim is to popularize informatics knowledge and promote young talents in this field.

The most important research projects:
- Operator algebras and dynamic systems;
- Geometric and algebraic methods in quantization;
- Mathematical models of financial markets;
- Computer modelling of physical systems;
- Computing methods in medicine and technical sciences;
- Speech and image analysis.


Informatics and Econometrics
Informatics with the following specializations: Internet and Mobile Technologies, Information Technology in Medicine, Intelligent Computational, Methods,Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Theoretical Information Technology

Mathematics with the specializations: Financial Mathematics

address: ul. Konstantego Ciołkowskiego 1M, 15-245 Białystok
phone: 85 738 82 84
e-mail: office@math.uwb.edu.pl
www: https://math.uwb.edu.pl/ 
dr hab. Alina Dobrogowska, prof. UwB


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