Faculty of Biology and Chemistry

Institute of Chemistry

1. Evaluation of emission of fotochemically active gaseous organic compounds from the organic precipitation and undergrowth in selected tree regions of Poland, prof. Valery Isidorov; contact: isidorov@uwb.edu.pl.
2. Study of electrochemical properties of two-component films of fullerene C60 and transition metal complexes and their practical electrotechnological application, prof. Krzysztof Winkler; contact: winkler@uwb.edu.pl.
3. Application of olefin metathesis in synthesis of macrocyclic compounds, prof. Jacek Morzycki; contact: morzycki@uwb.edu.pl.
4. Study of potential application of fullerene[C60]-transition metal complex polymers in electrotechnology, prof. Krzysztof Winkler; contact: winkler@uwb.edu.pl.
5. New polymeric sorbents and their application in trace analysis of noble metals, Beata Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: bgodlew@uwb.edu.pl.
6. Magnetic and structural properties of electrochemically generated nanostructures formed on the basis of porous and structural matrixes, Beata Kalska-Szostko, Ph.D.; contact: kalska@uwb.edu.pl.
7. Application of “small” carbon nano-onions in biodetectors, Marta Płońska-Brzezińska, Ph.D.; contact: mplonska@uwb.edu.pl.
8. Trace analysis and photostability of selected types of drugs in surface water, Barbara Starczewska, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: msbasia@uwb.edu.pl.
9. Application of metathesis reaction in synthesis of retinoids and carotenoids, prof. Jacek Morzycki; contact:morzycki@uwb.edu.pl.

Institute of Biology

1. Allometries of metabolic rates as a consequence of the relation between genome and cell size, prof. Marek Konarzewski; contact: marekk@uwb.edu.pl.
2. The role of acid phosphatases in acclimation of crop plants to phosphate deficiency in the ground, Iwona Ciereszko, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: icier@uwb.edu.pl.
3. Stable or trailing edge? - analysis of genetic differentiation in the marginal populations of /Betula humilis/ Schrk, Katarzyna A. Jadwiszczak, Ph.D.; contact: kszalaj@uwb.edu.pl.
4. Influence of genomes and cells size on metabolic rates in diploidal and triploidal
water frogs Rana esculenta, Jan Taylor, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: taylor@uwb.edu.pl.
5. Relict group of mouse population in the Biebrza River Valley – revealed by different classes of molecular markers analysis, Mirosław Ratkiewicz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: ermi@uwb.edu.pl.
6. Influence of the level of basal and maximal metabolic rate on voluntary activity in laboratory mice, Andrzej Gębczyński, Ph.D.; contact: andgebcz@uwb.edu.pl.
7. Hydrochemical differentiation with respect of water/land ecotons on example of the Suwałki Landscape Park, Elżbieta Jekatierynczuk-Rudczyk, Ph.D.; contact: rudczyk@uwb.edu.pl.
8. Evolutionary history of boreal plant species, Ada Wróblewska, Ph.D.; contact: adabot@uwb.edu.pl.
9. History of the Wigry National Park dystrophic lakes (hardtack type) in the light of the Holocene succession of their vegetation, Danuta Drzymulska, Ph.D.; contact: drzym@uwb.edu.pl.
10. Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus L.) owing to an increasing threat to species in Central and Eastern Europe, Agata Banaszek, Ph.D.; contact: banaszek@uwb.edu.pl.
11. Influence of Cyanoprokaryota blooms in Siemianówka reservoir on Narew River plankton below the dam, Magdalena Grabowska, Ph.D.; contact: magra@uwb.edu.pl.
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