Faculty of Law

1. Entrepreneurship in Podlasie region (legal and functional problems), prof. Cezary Kosikowski; contact: cezary@uwb.edu.pl.
2. Ordered research grant: Monitoring, identification and countermeasures against threats concerning citizens’ security, prof. Emil Pływaczewski; contact: plywacz@uwb.edu.pl.
3. Legal and organizational structure of the health care in Poland including sociological determinants- development trends, Teresa Mróz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact.4. Compulsory measures of leaving the Polish territory by foreigners, Mieczysława Zdanowicz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact: zdanowicz@uwb.edu.pl.
5. Forfeiture of goods and benefits from the crime, Ewa Guzik-Makaruk, Ph. D.; contact: ewa.guzik@uwb.edu.pl.
6. Referendum for the EU Constitution Treaty ratification, Elżbieta Kużelewska, Ph.D.; contact: muszka@uwb.edu.pl.
7. Financial and legal protection of the State Treasury’s interests in Poland, Paweł Lewkowicz, Ph.D.; contact: leo@uwb.edu.pl.
8. Legal problems of construction and financing of the task budget in France. Conclusions for Poland, prof. Eugeniusz Ruśkowski; contact: eugen@list.pl.
Projects realized at the Faculty of Law but by external subjects

Law Faculty Friends
1. The Podlasie Academy of Tax Law - New Edition financed from the European Social Fund; contact: spwp@uwb.edu.pl.

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