The Faculty of Philology of the University of Białystok is launching a new field of study for full-time first-cycle studies: Belarusian ethnophilology. Graduates of these studies will be able to work, among others: in the media, publishing houses, cultural institutions and public administration. The new field of study will be included in this year's recruitment offer of the University of Białystok.
- Belarusian ethnophilology is a humanities field offering a unique combination of linguistic, literary and cultural knowledge which will enable students to acquire comprehensive linguistic and cultural competences - says dr Beata Pietychna, Vice-Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Białystok.
She adds that the offer is addressed to both high school graduates from the region and country, as well as candidates from Belarus who live in Podlasie.
Students of Belarusian ethnophilology will participate in lectures, classes and seminars on Belarusian language, literature and culture. The study program takes into account the religious diversity of Belarusians, hence such subjects in the field of religious studies as Philosophical and Religious Thought and Selected Issues of Byzantine Culture. There will also be activities related to, among others: with the culture and literature of the Polish-Belarusian border, taking into account the specificity of the material and spiritual culture of Podlasie, as well as the historical processes of shaping the Belarusian minority in Poland.
- A novelty that no other university in Poland offers is the subject: Analysis of texts from the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in which students will learn how to read documents of the former Polish and Belarusian states - says dr hab. Anna Sakowicz from the Department of Belarusian Studies at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Białystok.
She emphasizes that achieving the C1 level of knowledge of the Belarusian language and acquiring knowledge about the history and culture of the border region will open wide professional opportunities for graduates as qualified specialists.
They will have competences to work in professions such as: local media journalist, employee of cultural institutions, social life animator, specialist in public administration, editor, proofreader in press offices and publishing houses. It will also be possible to work at school after obtaining teaching qualifications.
- Graduates of Belarusian ethnophilology will acquire high communication skills, learn critical, independent thinking and verify information. Knowledge of the Belarusian and world literary and linguistic traditions, as well as the latest culture, including new media, combined with in-depth linguistic awareness and basic knowledge of market mechanisms, will allow them to conduct media, marketing, cultural and social activities. They will also be aware of the global and regional conditions of their own activities and will learn to use the local cultural potential, feeling motivated to strengthen it - adds dr Beata Piecychna.
The new field of study will be implemented as full-time first-cycle studies from the academic year 2025/2026.
The Faculty of Philology of the University of Białystok also offers the following fields of study: philology (specialization modules to choose from, e.g. Russian philology, English philology, applied French, Russian philology - translation studies), Polish philology, creative writing, foreign philology for teachers, Polish philology for teachers.
More details can be found on the Faculty's website.