Erasmus + Week at the University of Białystok

It was a time of intensive, international cultural and academic exchange. On 24-28 February this year, Erasmus + Week took place at the University of Białystok, organized by the Office of International Cooperation of the University of Białystok.

As part of this event, information meetings were held for students who want to study or do internships abroad as part of the Erasmus program, as well as for foreign students staying at the University of Białystok.

Erasmus + Week also includes workshops and integration activities - the so-called Mixers and an international breakfast with delicacies full of French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and Polish cuisine - due to Fat Thursday, there was also no shortage of doughnuts and angel wings.

In turn, on Friday, 28 February, the Erasmus + Week 2025 photo competition for the best photo from a trip abroad was decided. The prizes were awarded to: Zuzanna Rutkowska (1st place), Martyna Dowgiert (2nd place) and Amelia Suchocka (3rd place). Amelia Dłużniewska and Mateusz Kotowski were distinguished.

The authors of the best photos were awarded prizes by dr hab. Agnieszka Piekutowska Vice - Rector of the University for Science and International Cooperation.

- I congratulate you very warmly, I wish you to develop your passions and I encourage you to participate in our events. First of all, I congratulate you for having the courage to go abroad, because you always  come back braver and more confident. And I encourage you to do so. If someone’s photo didn’t win today, I encourage  you to go on more trips as part of Erasmus – said dr hab. Agnieszka Piekutowska during the meeting.

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