Looking for a Research Partner?

With over 50 ongoing research projects each year, we strive to develop future innovations and services which will benefit society and contribute to our region's economic growth. Our researchers’ expertise contributes to practical business and social applications. University of Bialystok is also a respected partner in policy debates in regional and national fora.

We welcome new research opportunities and partnership proposals from international partners, offering in return modern research infrastructure and a wide range of expertise in the following fields: biology, chemistry, physics, economics and management, law, criminology, mathematics, philology (polish and east slavic), history, pedagogics, psychology, sociology

Looking for a research partner? Contact:
Aldona Węglarz (Science Office, Horizon 2020 Local Contact Point)
Tel. +48 85 745 7103
e-mail: ac-dn@uwb.edu.pla.weglarz@uwb.edu.pl

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