Postdoctoral and doctoral promotions at the University of Bialystok

On 15 September 2021, 12 habilitated doctors and 25 doctors were awarded diplomas at the University of Bialystok. The postdoctoral and doctoral promotion ceremony is a scientific celebration of the University. In the auditorium of the Faculty of Education of the University of Bialystok met promoted scientists, supervisors, relatives and the university authorities.

 This is the largest university ceremony – said Professor Robert Ciborowski, Rector of the University of Bialystok – Because this is the symbol of our development, the fact that our employees gain new degrees and titles. Besides not only workers, so one can say that this is also a symbol of development of our region.

From among people who received diplomas only 13 (9 habilitated doctors and 4 doctors) are academic teachers at the University of Bialystok. This shows how many scientists are from outside the University of Bialystok who choose the largest university in Podlasie as the place of their academic promotions.

 Academic  work is not and never should only be an occupation. It is a mission, and the mission of science is to broaden the horizons of knowledge, asking questions – the more difficult, the better – and looking for objective answers. These factors make us learn about our world and the mechanisms that govern it – underlined, turning to the promoted doctors and habilitated doctors, Professor Izabela Święcicka, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of the University of Bialystok. She also added – Today our doctors and habilitated doctors finish a stage of their lives. However, I would like to strongly emphasize that this is the celebration of the whole academic community.

Professor Izabela Święcicka reminded that during 24 years of existence of the University, 866 people have obtained doctoral diplomas and 156  postdoctoral diplomas.   

The University of Bialystok is entitled to confer 7 postdoctoral degrees (habilitated doctor) in biological sciences, chemical sciences, economics and finance, education, law, history, and physical sciences. In addition, it can confer 11 doctoral degrees in biological sciences, chemical sciences, education, economics and finance, history, law, linguistics, literary studies, philosophy, physical sciences, and sociology.



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