Robert Ciborowski was elected as rector of the University of Bialystok for the next term - 2020-2024

Professor dr hab. Robert Ciborowski will continue to be the rector of the University of Białystok. This decision was made at the largest university in Podlasie on Friday (05/06/2020) by the Electoral Council.

For the first time in the history of UwB, the election was done remotely. Professor Ciborowski received 93 out of 98 valid votes. He was the only candidate for this position.

Professor dr hab. Robert Ciborowski is an economist, head of the Department of Political Economy at the Faculty of Economics and Finance. From the beginning of his scientific path, he has been associated with the University of Bialystok, where he obtained the degree of doctor (Ph.D.) of economics (1998), doktor habilitowany (Post-doctoral degree) (2005) and associate professor (2006). In 2018 he recived the academic title of Professor of Economic Sciences granted by the President of the Republic of Poland

Scientific interests of prof. Ciborowski include economic development, the economics of innovation, technology transfer and the Austrian School of Economics. He has around 100 publications (including monographs, articles, textbooks). He has participated as an expert and manager in a number of regional, national and international research projects related to economic development, innovation and the transfer of technology.

Rector's first term of office began in 2016. Earlier (2012–2016) he was the vice-rector of Economics at the University of Białystok. He also served as dean (2005-2012) and vice - dean (2002-2005) of the Faculty of Economics and Management (currently the Faculty of Economics and Finance).

As announced in his election program, the main goal of his next term will be to maintain the university’s financial stability and raise additional funds for development. Prof. Robert Ciborowski also plans additional support for employees with the best scientific results, further management computerization, increased expenditure for improving equipment used in teaching process, including the wider use of modern technologies.

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