
The Doctoral School is an organized form of education for doctoral students, preparing them to obtain a doctoral degree. The education process involves providing doctoral students with comprehensive knowledge, developing their skills and social competences necessary to conduct research and prepare a doctoral dissertation.


About school

The Doctoral School is an organized form of education for doctoral students, preparing them to obtain a doctoral degree. The education process involves providing doctoral students with comprehensive knowledge, developing their skills and social competences necessary to conduct research and prepare a doctoral dissertation.

From the 2019/2020 academic year, the existing doctoral studies were replaced by the education of doctoral students in new institutions - Doctoral Schools. As a result of the higher education reform introduced by the provisions of the Act of July 20, 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, i.e. the so-called Act 2.0, people interested in conducting scientific research and obtaining third-cycle qualifications, i.e. doctor, may apply to doctoral schools.

In 2019, three doctoral schools were established at the University of Białystok in accordance with Order No. 8 of the Rector of the University of Białystok of March 27, 2019 on the establishment of Doctoral Schools:

  • Doctoral School of Humanities
  • Doctoral School of Social Sciences
  • Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences.

On September 1, 2024, the Doctoral School of the University of Białystok was established as a result of the merger of the Doctoral School of Humanities, the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, by Order No. 1 of the Rector of the University of Białystok of January 16, 2024.

The Doctoral School is run in the following disciplines

  • philosophy,
  • history,
  • literary studies,
  • linguistics,
  • economics and finance,
  • legal sciences,
  • sociological sciences,
  • education,
  • mathematics,
  • biological sciences,
  • chemical sciences,
  • physical sciences.

Range of activities

The organization of education at the Doctoral School operating at the University of Białystok is specified in the Regulations of the Doctoral School. 

Doctoral students are educated in accordance with the approved education program. 

Faculties constituting the Doctoral School.

www page
New website of the Doctoral School of the University of Białystok

  1. Authorities
  2. Structure 
  3. Legal acts 
  4. Education 
  5. Quality of education
  6. Codes of Ethics
  7. PhD student
  8. Candidate
  9. Contact

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